How Security Companies Are Helping Businesses Survive COVID-19

The outbreak of coronavirus has forced businesses to adjust the way they do things. This has included changing products on the fly and changing delivery models. There has been a need to increase security around the business premises to ensure the safety of staff and customers. Amid the pandemic, customer safety, social distancing, employee health, are big concerns for business owners.

Another important aspect to make businesses survive the crisis is corporate security. Luckily, you can team up with a reliable Bakersfield security company to reinforce your business security. Regardless of whether you own an essential business or planning to reopen, security is a huge consideration. Here are various aspects of how security companies are making businesses survive COVID-19 pandemic.

Security guards

Businesses open for business have to ensure social distancing and temperature checks for anyone entering the premises. These safety procedures should be on top of your mind to curb the spread of coronavirus in your business. You have to contact a security company for security guards to enforce safety policies. This protects your front desk staff or other employees from handling tasks they are ill-equipped to handle.

A security guard posted at your entrance ensures consistent screening of anyone who enters your premises. This gives peace of mind that your business is adhering to safety guidelines. Additionally, it also gives local authorities, customers, and staff that you take corporate security seriously. Hiring security guards is cheaper compared to extra staff. Security guards come with experience and equipment to handle the task.

Commercial alarm system

The pandemic is making everyone scavenge for essential goods. This is making some people break into business premises in a bid to access these goods. So, it is a smart idea for business owners to contact the best security companies in Bakersfield for commercial alarm systems. The alarm is an effective solution to protect businesses from break-ins. A reputable security company will offer you an alarm system scaled to give your business the precise protection to meet your budget.

Mobile patrols

Closed offices and businesses are a huge security concern during this pandemic. Criminals are always on the lookout for empty business premises that were bustling with activity before. Posting security guards on your premises is a protective measure. Additionally, the security company can offer mobile patrols to check on your premises periodically 24/7.

The mobile patrols offer a great visual deterrent to any vandalism and theft on your premises. Some of the services to expect from mobile patrols include:

  • Rapid response to an alarm
  • Locking and unlocking doors
  • Escorting staff to their vehicles or homes
  • Checking for broken utilities and leaks

Security cameras

One of the most common ways of maintaining business security regardless of the season is installing security cameras. A reputable security agency can offer surveillance cameras on your premises to match your security needs. These are installed indoors to check internal theft and shoplifting and outdoors to check vandalism and burglary.

Security cameras are a cost-effective solution to get a sneak peek of everything that happens around your business premises. This allows taking immediate action in case anything happens. Additionally, security cameras are a proactive criminal deterrent measure. These are likely to stay away from your premises knowing that the cameras record every move they make.

Thermal cameras

Amid the pandemic, checking the temperature of everyone entering your premises is strongly encouraged. However, you can invest in thermal cameras for a seamless process. Handheld thermometers are commonly used but using these is quite tiresome. Additionally, handheld thermometers have a risk of exposure to COVID-19 since the temperature is taken at a closer range.

Luckily, thermal cameras tell the temperature of various people from a distance. This is timesaving and less risky. You should ask your security company for thermal cameras at the entrance of all the high traffic areas. These cameras have high accuracy to give your business protection from liability that might come with the presence of coronavirus.

Touchless access controls

Businesses rely on access control systems to bar unauthorized people from accessing some areas in the office. Coronavirus keeps on surfaces for quite some time. So, investing in touchless access control is a smart idea. Access without touching limits touching surfaces to curb the spread of the virus.

Apart from limiting access, access control keeps logs of everyone who access the place. This allows for easy tracking in case someone shows signs of the virus in your office. it becomes easier to trace everyone who might have got into contact with the positive case. Additionally, access control keeps important office equipment and documents safe from people who might misuse them.

In summary

The coronavirus outbreak has made business owners adjust the way they do business. Security today is an important aspect of doing business today. A reputable security company will avail solutions like mobile patrols and security guards to enforce social distancing, checking temperature, and sanitizing at your entrance.

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